Which of Kate's friends are you most like?

Friends can't really be defined, but what I've done is given you the option of being me, Jacob Jervis, Connor Allaby, Danny Huh, or Juliana Johnson. Have you ever wondered who you are most like out of this bunch? Now is your chance to find out!

Take my quiz and discover who you are like. Are you getting smashed a party or quietly reflecting the nature of God in the corner? What you do determines who you are!

Created by: Katerina Strohschein

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Tell me what you're wearing.
  2. Your music taste. Your favourite songs are ..
  3. God.
  4. What are you doing this weekend?
  5. Your friends are mostly likely to describe you as:
  6. You look for in a date ...
  7. Best known in high school for ...
  8. Sports!
  9. At a party, you're the one who ...
  10. Your greatest weakness?

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Quiz topic: Which of Kate's friends am I most like?