which ncis will date u

the ncis' need girlfriends and a boyfriend help them out take my quiz you will looooooooooooooooooooooooooove the results!!!!!!!!so come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

which ncis will date you?do you have what it takes to date an ncis field agent?!until now you'd never know!!!just take my quiz and get the results in only five minutes!!!AMAZING

Created by: BreAnna Phillips
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what colr is your hair
  2. what do you do on sunny days
  3. who's your fave celeb
  4. which tv show is your fave
  5. what's your fave snack
  6. do you like horror flicks
  7. what would you rather be doing
  8. which month were you born in
  9. what's your fave color
  10. do you like to drink
  11. where would you vacation
  12. are you bored
  13. u like my quiz

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