Which naruto Rank are you?

this test is for how great of a ninja you are take it and good luck. i ran out of s--- to say so im just gunna type letters okay guys? im a ninja we are ninja she is ninja too i am ninja we are ninja and i believe that you are ninja too.

Are you a ninja? do you have what it takes to be kage of your village? FIND out i ran out of s--- to say so im just gunna type letters okay guys? im a ninja we are ninja she is ninja too i am ninja we are ninja and i believe that you are ninja too.

Created by: brian brown
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. a shuriken is thrown at you, followed by a set of 3 kunai knifes you....
  2. you get attacked by a random ninja he attacks using taijutsu. you
  3. your student is kid napped and you dont know anything about the enemie except he has a keki genkai of the hyuuga clan. you....
  4. which mission would you go on?
  5. an akatsuki member shows up in your village you can safley assume...
  6. Weapon of choice?
  7. two s-rank shinobi attack the village killing the children and workers. you are the kage of the village what do you do?
  8. you are alone with 1 kunai, 4 ninja's shunnin rank or higher attack you. you.....
  9. which rank do you want to be?
  10. best jutsu to use against a rasengan or a chidori is?

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Quiz topic: Which naruto Rank am I?