Which Naruto Kunoichi are You?

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There are many quizzes to tell you what anime character you are but this is different. It is a Naruto quiz for girls, which means there probably won't be many taking this quiz. It will tell you, out of the main Naruto girls, which one you are most like.

I made this quiz because, I love Naruto. If you are taking it it's probably because you like Naruto too. Or you just got bored. Anyway it took me a long time to make this quiz, hope you enjoy!!!!!!!

Created by: Stormie Foley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color hair do you have?
  2. What are you more like?
  3. Which Naruto boy/s do you like
  4. What would you rather wear?
  5. What would your weapon of choice be?
  6. What is your favorite jutsu from the show?
  7. How long is your hair?
  8. Are you smart?
  9. Would you be afraid to fight a boy/girl thats older than you (depends on your gender, its a test for girls but i know some boys will take it)?
  10. Who do want the results to be (doesn't count, just wanna know)

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Quiz topic: Which Naruto Kunoichi am I?