which naruto charecter will U date

hello dawn here this is my awsome quizits a who will you date in naruto its about if you could date someone who would it be find out by taking this are you excited i am lol

your lover YOUR LOVER HAHAHAHA in just i min or less didnt time (: xD can figure out who ur lover is and you can always say i hate this quiz but you know what your missin out on an awsome frickin quiz word homey g (:

Created by: dawn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if u had to pick 1 colur you think he /she would like which is it
  2. if U and he/she were on a secret mission together and there were enemy ninja what do think she/he would do and say
  3. when you wake up ur boo is in ur bed you say and his reaction(yours comes first then your bf or gf)
  4. your boo gets injured in a mission what do you do
  5. you find out ur boo is evil you
  6. so say you stayed with him and he killed your parents you
  7. what is ur favrite color (hint: if you pick the same colur for number 3 we have a problem)
  8. which boo do you hope you get
  9. which one do you not want to be
  10. if you had to be one of them wich 1

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