which Naruto character are u?

this quiz will show you your peronality that is relevent to one of the characters from Naruto, the anime. there is four characters to get, all worthy shinobi... you can find out which of these ninja is your equal!

Will you be the hyper-active Uzimaki Naruto? or the cool-headed Uchiha Sasuke? or maybe you might tun out as someone you totally didn't expect! you'll be surprised at how acurate it is!

Created by: not telling
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. OK, had 2 have this one... Whats your fav colour?
  2. Whould u do anything to protect ur freinds if they're about to die.
  3. If u wanted to kill someone, who would it be?
  4. u finish ur trainging and ur teamates r going to a movie, u...
  5. coming home from the movie, some random phsyco killer jumps u and ur teamates. u...
  6. what sort of substance to u like most?
  7. favourite food?
  8. what sort of ninja would u want to be?
  9. Some one tells u that u suck at throwing shuriken, u...
  10. do u think this quiz is good?
  11. lastly... who do u think u will get? [this will not effect ur result]

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