Which mlp are you?

U probably watched lots of kid shows when u were little like shawberry shortcake and lps and paw patrol but do u know my Little pony take this quiz to see which one suits u

And whitch pony are u is it pinkie or rainbow or apple jack or rarity or Fluttershy or twilight,in this quiz u will find out hope u wnjotmy quiz!!!!!!

Created by: Ashley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do u like to read
  2. Do u lke partys
  3. Do u play sports,?
  4. What cloths do u like to wear!?
  5. What do people call u
  6. Do u lie
  7. If u had 5 diamonds what would u do with them
  8. If u had 5 diamonds what would u do with them
  9. What's your grade
  10. Ready to see tesults

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Quiz topic: Which mlp am I?