Which member of Visionary's cast are you?

Here we are... A purely unscientific look into your soul to find out which of my cast members happen to be a mirror into your own existence. I'm sure you've spent many sleepless nights pondering just this question, so I can only imagine the relief you must be feeling at having this indispensable tool at your disposal.

Relax. Do some stretching exercises. Maybe eat a cruller... Then, when you're ready, embark on a journey of self discovery. You'll be glad you did. And please... no wagering.

Created by: Visionary
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. It's a lazy Saturday afternoon, and you're relaxing comfortably on the couch when a news bulletin announces that the Yurt is rampaging in downtown Parodiopolis. Your reaction is to:
  2. The villainous Apostate has returned and is on national television calling for you to come and face him in Off-Central Park. Your reaction is to:
  3. You Ausgardian pal seems to be a little down this week. To help, you:
  4. You have to admit it... you've become smitten with someone you know. How best to handle it?
  5. Whohoo! You've got some free time! (Do you even have a real job?) The best use for it is:
  6. Your idea of a good superhero costume is:
  7. Deep down, you have to admit that you kinda find this attractive:
  8. It kind of sucks that this quiz is all about Vizh's characters. There are plenty of cooler ones out there, such as:
  9. Or even:
  10. And surely we couldn't forget:

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Quiz topic: Which member of Visionary's cast am I?