Which member of Redstone Are You?

Have you always wondered which member of Redstone/Concordia you are most like? IGNORE THIS so how was your day my day was great sister suzie ate my salad and that wasnt very cool at all

Well now you can get the chance! Take the quiz here to find out if you are more like Jordan, Christian, Pat, or Brian! IGNORE THIS so how was your day my day was great sister suzie ate my salad and that wasnt very cool at all

Created by: Jordan Umbach

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is your favorite band/singer?
  2. What is your favorite clothing style?
  3. What Instrument do you prefer?
  4. What kind of girl do you prefer?
  5. What is your favorite sport?
  6. Where would you prefer to perform?
  7. Which artist would you most like to see in concert?
  8. What are your views on the world?
  9. How stressed do you get over a bad gig.
  10. Do you have a myspace?

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Quiz topic: Which member of Redstone am I?