Which member of Equal Ends are you?

This will show you which member of Equal Ends you are most like!This will show you which member of Equal Ends you are most like!This will show you which member of Equal Ends you are most like!This will show you which member of Equal Ends you are most like!This will show you which member of Equal Ends you are most like!

Equal Ends is an up and coming pop punk band Equal EEqual Ends is an up and coming pop punk band !!nds is an up and coming pop punk band !!Equal Ends is an up and coming pop punk band !!Equal Ends is an up and coming pop punk band !!Equal Ends is an up and coming pop punk band !!Equal Ends is an up and coming pop punk band !!Equal Ends is an up and coming pop punk band !!

Created by: equal
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you play in the band?
  2. What do you do durning live performance?
  3. What do u call your self
  4. What is music to you?
  5. Stage dive??
  6. Preshow activity
  7. First thought when walking on stage
  8. What is your most over used word(s)
  9. Favort color
  10. Favort type of music

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Quiz topic: Which member of Equal Ends am I?