Which Made Up Harry Potter Character Are You???

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You know the characters in Harry potter, but, I decided to make my own and, if you want, you can now see which one you are. Take the quiz and see what it is!

You could be the brave Gryffindor, Epic Gryffindor, Shy Ravenclaw, random Hufflepuff, Mean Slytherin, or misunderstood Slytherin. Take the quiz and see what you are!

Created by: Qwert
  1. Hi! This quiz took FOREVER! To make so no hate!
  2. Well lets start off with the basics, ( I get original as we go along) so, what is your FAV house?
  3. Hmmmmm... What is your favourite part of quidditch?
  4. Sorry but PLEASE don't hate me... WHAT IS YOUR FAV COLOUR?????? ( out of these)
  5. RP time!!!!!! You and your friends got approached by Draco's gang and The golden trio. They both ask if you guys would like to hang out. All your friends want to go with Draco's gang, who do you chose?
  6. So whose your crush?
  7. Whose your top 3 BFFS?
  8. Enemy's?
  9. Aright that's all I got! Did you like?
  10. Bye!!

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Quiz topic: Which Made Up Harry Potter Character am I???