which life as a kid character are you

good afternoon everyone. (or whatever time of the day you are taking this quiz) this quiz is about a movie that my middle school made. I really enjoyed this film and so did my fellow classmates. who knew 12 year old's with no experience could act and produce such good film

in this quiz you might discover some new things about yourself and some things you already know. but just remember its just a quiz it wont determine your future or anything

Created by: kenny
  1. how old are you
  2. gender
  3. what would you do if someone was getting bullied
  4. whats your sexuality
  5. what does depression mean to you
  6. whats your favorite school subject
  7. you go to a party and someone offers you a drink. what would you do
  8. how many friends do you have
  9. did you have fun taking this quiz (will not effect score)
  10. how's your day been (ok at this point I'm just filling up space because I need 10 questions)

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Quiz topic: Which life as a kid character am I
