Which "Lemonade Mouth" Girl R U Most Like?!

If you havn't seen the movie Lemonade Mouth, why are you here? Anyway, after you take this quiz, you'll find out which LM girl you're most like! There are 12 questions.

Will you be most like the bohemian girl, Olivia White? How about girly-girl Mohini "Mo" Banjaree? Or punk rocker Stella Yamada? After you take this quiz you'll find out!

Created by: #1LMFan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your relationship status?
  2. Who is your fashion icon?
  3. What do you play?
  4. How do you deal with a rule at school you don't like?
  5. Describe your parents:
  6. Favorite colors?
  7. What is your fashion must-have?
  8. Siblings? Pets?
  9. What do you listen to?
  10. In your opinion, who do YOU think you're most like? Be honest!

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