Which Kuros---suji character are you?

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Love the anime Black Butler/Kuros---suji? Do you want to find out which of Yana Tobosa's awesome characters you are most like? Are you similar to the talented and demonic Sebastian, or his master, the bratty but clever Ciel? Or are you one of the others like Grell or Alois?

Take this quiz to see if you are Ciel, Sebastian, Lizzie, Grell, Alois, Claude, or Hannah. DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for angst or self harm due to undesired character result.

Created by: cats123
  1. Hello! What is your usual mood?
  2. You see a kitten on the side of the road looking really hungry. Your reaction:
  3. If you loved someone who didn't love you back you would:
  4. Role playing time! Story: someone drugged you and dropped your unconscious body on a mountain. You have no way to contact anyone, and your far off from civilization. You've been knocked out for a few whole days so you're really hungry. What do you do?
  5. A big boar-like animal runs out of nowhere and is charging at you.
  6. Then a random shirtless dude jumps out of the bushes and kills the boar. He introduces himself as "Ink" and asks for your name.
  7. Suddenly, Ink morphs into a hideous creature and says he's a demon and will eat your soul. You:
  8. Ok Roleplaying over. Now it's Middle/High school steryotype time! You are the:
  9. What do you like to wear?
  10. Are you good at fighting?
  11. Did you have a nice childhood?
  12. How mature do you think you are?
  13. Are you social or shy?
  14. Are you good at disguise?
  15. What is the best weapon?
  16. What do you do for fun?
  17. Sadism is:
  18. When your really mad you...

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Quiz topic: Which Kuros---suji character am I?