Which Justice League Member Are You?

Are you a big Justice League fan and just always think of what it would be like to be a member? Do you always wish that you had super powers? Then this quiz is for you.

If you're not a fan and you just randomly clicked this quiz then take a shot at it. What Justice League member are you? Please let me know if I missed a member. Thanks!

Created by: I' not here...
  1. Are you selfish? Be honest!
  2. Do you do most things alone?
  3. If you were in a situation were you have to save yourself or your friend, what would you do?
  4. Are you a little more into technology?
  5. What is your favorite member of the Justice League?
  6. Are you a Female or a Male?
  7. Now lets go in to a battle perspective. Your in a massive battle and all you have is a single power/weapon. What do you choose?
  8. You defeat your enemies and you've conquered your fears. You forgot about the "boss". Who do you choose to fight?
  9. You defeat your boss and you celebrate with friends. You then meet somebody who offers you armor. Which armor do you choose?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Justice League Member am I?
