Which Jeff Dunham puppet are you?

You know the puppets. You know the man. Take this quiz to find out which one you are. Let's just hope your not walter, walter is a big head! Go try it.....It's fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you a jerk? Are you hyper or super? Take this quiz. For all we know you may be on a stick. Let's just hope your not, that would be painful.................................................!!!

Created by: Blake
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite hobby?
  2. What do you look like?
  3. What country did you come from?
  4. What's Your favorite music.
  5. What's your favorite phrase?
  6. Where is your home?
  7. What would be your dream vacation?
  8. What did you think about this quiz?
  9. Heres a freebie.
  10. Here is your puppet.

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Quiz topic: Which Jeff Dunham puppet am I?