Which Jade Winglet character are you??

This quiz is on the Wings of Fire books 6-10 ! You can get wither Moon, Kinkajou, Quibli, Winter, or turtle! There are some questions that will not effect the score!

This is on books 6-10, moon rising, winter turning, escaping peril, talons of power, and darkness of dragons! It also has some questions based on the lost continent and dragonets of destiny books! If you haven't read these pick based on what sounds the coolest!

Created by: Spark
  1. Who is your favorite dragonet of destiny?
  2. What is your favorite color
  3. What do your friends describe you as
  4. Favorite lost continent character
  5. (This will not have any effect on the score) favorite winglet character
  6. Who is your favorite Queen!
  7. Favorite tribe
  8. Favorite Jade winglet book
  9. Favorite Dragonets of destiny book
  10. Final question! Which do you like most??

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Quiz topic: Which Jade Winglet character am I??
