What member of the Jade winglet are you?

So, this is a Wings of Fire quiz about the Jade winglet. If you haven't read that series, ur gonna be SUPER confused... so you might not want to. You have 8 options, Winter, Quibli, Moon, Kinkajou, Turtle, Umber, Carnilian, or none.

Hopefully you like this quiz, and get the charecter you fit most. I did try hard on this, and if you got the result wrong, I'm sorry. So, thats it! Come on and do the quiz!

Created by: Booknerd
  1. Lets just start this of with a bangAre you an introvert?
  2. Who's the best teacher?
  3. Who are you in you're freind group
  4. What type of movie do you watch
  5. What's the best thing to do in your free time
  6. Whats you'r hogwarts house?
  7. If your friends are in an arguement, what do you do?
  8. What will you do when this quiz is over?
  9. Do you like school?
  10. What do you do if someone bullies you?

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Quiz topic: What member of the Jade winglet am I?
