Which Ice-Cream Flavor Loves Giving You A Brain Freeze?

I was inspired to make this quiz after making the terrible mistake of falling into ice-cream's trap. Ice-cream is wonderful if you take tiny bites very slowly, but if not, your head will pay.

Here are some tips to avoid brain freezes. 1. Take tiny bites. 2. Eat it slowly... 3. Let it melt on your tongue. 4. Don't eat the flavor that is in your result! I hope this helps against the battle of the brain freeze!

Created by: Wonka
  1. What color is you hair?
  2. What is your favorite color out of these?
  3. What is your favorite dessert. (other than ice-cream)
  4. Which of these describes your taste in ice-cream?
  5. Which of these seems scariest?
  6. What is your favorite flavor of ice-cream?
  7. How colorful do you like you ice-cream?
  8. What kind of ice-cream appeals to you the most?
  9. How do you like your ice-cream served?
  10. How awesome is ice-cream? (no affect)

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