Which House character are you?

So, you've watched the episodes. You've seen that cane-wielding psychotic break all the rules in the book and loved it. You've watched Chase and Cameron make out, Foreman have a crisis of conscience and Cuddy never get that baby bump. You've even seen Wilson date the Terminator and the three new guys march onto our TV sets.

But who are you? Which one are you? Are you the one solving the cases, the one befriending the patients, the one uttering the orders or the one doing what your told? The recommended ending here is "But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out" but I prefer to go for the original: the answer will probably not be honest. You'll trick, you'll lie, you'll answer wrongly to get your favourite character. After all: Everybody Lies.

Created by: Fiona
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're at the canteen. You want chips sooo badly, but they're going fast and the line is long. You:
  2. Someone's taken illegal, dangerous pills to get a high. They've given them to minors, too. Now they're sick. you:
  3. Your boss asks you to look through - of all things - a temple. The religious rules are no unbelievers allowed in. You:
  4. A cancer patient doesn't want chemo, even though he'll live if he has it. He thinks he deserves death for something he did in the past. You:
  5. Describe yourself.
  6. Love is...
  7. The guy fixing your house says it'll take a month longer to finish for various, unexplainable reasons. More time with smelly Aunt Hetty. You say:
  8. You meet a hot woman/man. You:
  9. Lying and secrets...
  10. You're feeling a bit depressed. You:
  11. God...
  12. Idiots...
  13. You bring in a jumbo packet of chips to work. You say:
  14. There is a psycopath with a gun in the building, and the security guard is out cold. You:
  15. You meet a dying woman who hasn't seen her husband for four years - they fought, and she loves him, and she misses him. You:
  16. You have a cold, but you promised to help a friend move house. You:
  17. Deep down, most people...
  18. Your favourite colour is:
  19. What did you think of this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which House character am I?