Which Hogwarts house do you belong to?

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Each question in the quiz is of multiple-choice and was formulated based on the actual Pottermore sorting quiz as well as online posts or myself. Read each question carefully, and answer as honestly as possible, good luck.

"I am what I am, an' I'm not ashamed. 'Never be ashamed,' my ol' dad used ter say, 'there's some who'll hold it against you, but they're not worth botherin' with."-Hagrid

Created by: HarryPotterQuizzes
  1. How do you study for finals?
  2. Are you organized?
  3. What's your favorite magical subject?
  4. Which virtue would you like to have?
  5. Pick one
  6. Which magical object would you like to have?
  7. People know you as:
  8. Your mom sends you a howler for something you didn't do wrong, what do you do? (Remember you're in front of your classmates)
  9. Favorite candle scent:
  10. How would you react to missing the train?
  11. Choose an elective
  12. Choose an extra-curricular class or club
  13. Forest or river
  14. How do you react after not getting enough sleep ?
  15. Which personality trait fits you the best?
  16. Imagine you have written several letters to Harry, but for some reason he is not replying, what do you do? (Keep in mind this is very important business)
  17. Choose a color that you like
  18. If you had ruled as a king, how would you like to be known to history?
  19. How are you in a relationship? (or how would you be in a relationship)
  20. Choose an element
  21. Dawn or dusk
  22. Moon or stars
  23. Late at night, walking alone down the street, you hear a peculiar cry that you believe to have a magical source. Do you:
  24. Left or right
  25. If you could choose a wand, what would it look like?
  26. What are you guilty of?
  27. What kind of scenery would you rather look at?

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Quiz topic: Which Hogwarts house do I belong to?
