Which Gossip Girl Are You Most Like?

Everyone who knows good t. V knows gossip girl. It's a show about the glamorous people of the upper east side and the real lives behind them. This new show is based on the best seller "gossip girl" books.

So, which gossip girl are you? Are you the one and only Blaire, the beautiful Serena, quiet jenny, or the no titled Vanessa? Click here and you are soon to find out.

Created by: samantha of teen fun 101 ♥
(your link here more info)
  1. Your winter dance is coming up! Your planning on getting a date by...
  2. People at school think of you as...
  3. You spend most of your free time...
  4. Your favorite color is.
  5. Your hair color would be described as...
  6. Your family consists of...
  7. At a party your most likely to be seen wearing.
  8. You can live without your...
  9. Your at a party and a guy comes up and asks you to dance. You know that he has a girlfriend but he's so cute! You...
  10. Your dream job is to be a...

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Quiz topic: Which Gossip Girl am I Most Like?