Which Girl From The OC Are You?

Girls!! If you love The OC, try to take this quiz! It's fun and it's 90% true..you can reflect yourself on these truly unbelievably amazing characters..

Be honest while taking it..try not to answer a question just because you want to be a particular character..have fun! and as always, welcome to the OC, b----!!

Created by: mohican
  1. Define yourself in one word..
  2. What type of guy would you most likely go for?
  3. How do you deal with family problems?
  4. What do you usually do in weekday afternoons?
  5. If you have a boyfriend or a crush, what do you most like to do with him on a date?
  6. If you're in a club, where can you usually be found?
  7. What do you think about a serious relationship?
  8. When something troubled you deeply, what you most likely do?
  9. You're invited to the hottest party this week..your reaction would mostly be like..
  10. What type of mom do you find most annoying?
  11. what's your favorite type of food?

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Quiz topic: Which Girl From The OC am I?