Which friend are you quiz

One thing that people can think of is who in the world are they Are you smart,Are you very active ,and Who am i?.Some people wants to know that anwser to the question.Really who ever you are you're very awesome inside and out

Hey you? can you try this quiz out for just one time ,so you can have a blast.the quiz maybe different ,and new but it's very awesome to try out so try the quiz out and tell me what you think of it

Created by: Tahliya

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. okay if you were out with friends ,and you see your crush/friend what is your reaction
  2. if you was the one to go to college what would you say to your BFFS
  3. what is your favorite color
  4. if you get into a fight with a ratchet what do you do
  5. what thing excites you
  6. your birth sign
  7. Grades
  8. what is the cutest thing about a guy
  9. your clothes are...
  10. predict who you are

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Quiz topic: Which friend am I quiz