Which female character from the MCU should you date?

Hello there, I made this quiz. It will let you know which female character from the MCU should be your girlfriend. (You may not agree with the result).

I also wanted to tell you that english is not my primary language. I am a french Canadian. So, I could have make some mistakes in this quiz. I hope that you will like it!

Created by: Yoyo
  1. What is the hair color you find the most attractive?
  2. Would you accept to date an alien?
  3. What is the skin color you prefer?
  4. Which color do you find the most attractive for a woman to wear?
  5. Which super power would you like your girlfriend to have?
  6. Do you think it is ok to kill a bad guy?
  7. What place would you like to visit with your girlfriend?
  8. How would you describe yourself?
  9. How would you like your girlfriend to be?
  10. What do you think is the most important thing in a couple?

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Quiz topic: Which female character from the MCU should I date?
