Which female alien in the MCU are you?

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In this Marvel quiz, you can find out which female alien in the MCU you are. This is 100% accurate. Also, this MCU quiz not only contains heroes but anti/villains, such as Nebula, Proxima Midnight and Hela, Goddess of Death. πŸ‘½

All the results are pretty cool. You can also get Guardians, such as Gamora and Mantis, and even Asgardians, Frigga, Sif and Valkyrie. Enjoy the quiz! πŸ‘½

Created by: Marvel1Fan
  1. Everyone loves this question: What is your favourite colour?
  2. Who's your favourite male alien in the MCU?
  3. What about female?
  4. If you could have any power, what would it be?
  5. What letter does your name start with?
  6. What letter does your surname start with?
  7. (This question does not affect your score!πŸ˜„) Team Iron Man or Team Cap
  8. (This won't affect your score, either.) Who do you want to get?
  9. Favourite female actress?
  10. (This will not affect your score, too?!) What did you think of this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which female alien in the MCU am I?
