Which fall trend should you be rocking?

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Your result will be your guide to being a fall fashionista. Just answer the 12 questions, get your result and look at the reference on where to buy your result! Yes, guess what, you actually get something out of this quiz! You get to buy your result! How awesome!

So............Do you want to know? DO ya? DO YA? DOOO YAAAA? Take this awesome quiz and find out which fall 2011 trend you should be rocking? Let me know all the compliments you get!

Created by: Mercedes
  1. How would you describe your style
  2. How long does it usually take you to get ready in the morning?
  3. How much do you weigh?
  4. How tall are you
  5. Quick! Pick a place!
  6. Do you usually take food to go or sit down at a resteraunt?
  7. Pick a store!
  8. Do you wear designer brands?
  9. Do you prefer sneakers or heels?
  10. R u ready??

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Quiz topic: Which fall trend should I be rocking?