Which Fairy Tail would you date

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Fairy Tail is a nice anime. In every anime there are girls. Pretty and ugly. Real beauty is unachievable. As one man's view is not the same with another man's

Having a hard time choosing which Fairy Tail Girl to like? Well with this test, find out the one Right for you in just 12 Questions. All Factual and based on both the Anime & Manga and confirmed via the Wiki

Created by: Joe Smithe

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you would choose a power in Fairy Tail what would it be?
  2. How Would you approach her?
  3. What would you do When you hang out?
  4. What "type of girl" do you like?
  5. While walking in the forest you encounter a beast/monster, What do you do?
  6. If She Slaps you, what reason would you think why she did that
  7. What would you give her as a gift ( On her birthday )
  8. She tells you, I need to go somewhere. What do you tell her
  9. How would you defend Fairy Tail ( Guild ) In time of trouble
  10. Who is your favorite Character in Fairy Tail ( Guys )

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