Which Facebook Quiz Should You Take?

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This is it. The quiz we've all been waiting for. If you've already told everyone that you haven't alienated by asking them to play Farmville and Candy Crush that you are 37% water buffalo and wondered "where do I go from here?", then look no further.

This quiz is completely legitimate, a deep-probing litmus into your psyche that could possibly change your life. So get ready. S---'s about to get real.

Created by: Anus
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which of the following best describes your current mood?
  2. Have you ever been caught with your pants down?
  3. Can you check me over for ticks and chiggers?
  4. How many fingers am I holding up?
  5. Are you getting excited about your quiz results yet?
  6. Do you believe in numerology?
  7. Stand up and go over to the nearest window and look outside.
  8. Are you on the internet right now?
  9. Inny or outty?
  10. When you were a baby, do you think you were an a--hole?

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Quiz topic: Which Facebook Quiz should I Take?