Which Evil Wizard Are You?

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Answer these ten questions to find out which Harry Potter villain you would most likely be. Some people may not consider every person you can get a villain but I do so I included them.

Each character has a unique approach to certain answers and based off of what you answer it will either add lijbts to a certain character or take away from another.

Created by: Tiffany
  1. What of the following classes would be your first choice?
  2. Would you rather side with all muggles know about the wizarding world and possibly kill all wizards or all the muggles die?
  3. Would you rather die young or split your soul multiple times to live forever?
  4. What is your wand core?
  5. Who's your favorite Hogwarts professor?
  6. Did you grow up with a father figure?
  7. How would you describe your childhood?
  8. Which of the three unforgivable curses is your favorite?
  9. What magical creature would you have?
  10. Last question, Bellatrix or Narcissa?

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Quiz topic: Which Evil Wizard am I?
