Which Doctor Who character are you?

There are sooo many whats your doctor who character quizzes out there, but this one is the best. i promise. This matches your psychology as evaluated by the questions with a character's. It is the best. Trust me.

THank you for choosing this quiz. Please answer honestly and don't try to get a certain character because some questions are not as they seem. Good luck :)

Created by: TheWhovian

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Someone compliments your clothes. Whats most likely your response?
  2. You are mostly:
  3. You love to
  4. You are:
  5. Are you more:
  6. You are:
  7. You most fear the:
  8. Your greatest weakness:
  9. You are at a table when someone comes up and says "That's where I sit" You:
  10. You plan on having :

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Quiz topic: Which Doctor Who character am I?