Which Creepypasta Are You?

Haii again for like, the fifth time! It's Chain Reaction & Masky Gaming! This is another Creepypasta quiz! Masky: Geez, we're doing SO MANY! CR: I know, I know. This is another quiz with our own Creepypastas.

I really have no f---ing clue why- Masky: No cussing. CR: *eye roll* Whateves. No f---ing clue why the f---ing website makes us write these boring paragraphs. I mean, NOBODY F---ING READS THEM.

Created by: CR and Masky

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favourite colour? Kellisin: *gasps* the forbidden question! CR & Masky: *spits out cheesecake*
  2. Quote?
  3. Favourite animal? Kellisin: Yay! :3
  4. What's your best ability?
  5. Who's your best friend? CR: Masky! Masky: Awww *blushes*
  8. What colour is your hair?
  9. TV series?
  10. Bai!

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Quiz topic: Which Creepypasta am I?