Which Coffee Cup are You?

You know your preferred cup of coffee. It could be a low foam, vanilla latte, or a nice, freshly brewed, cup of old fashioned java. Coffee is part of the daily routine for millions in America and the world.

But, if YOU were a cup of coffee, what would YOU be. Which type of "joe" fits that complex personality? Well, we've got few ideas. Take the quiz to find out which cup of coffee YOU are!

Created by: Melanie Leach
  1. Scenario #1: Your task is to deliver a disc to your boss by 11:30. The disc took hours to create. Now, it's 11:30 and the disc is corrupted. What's your reaction?
  2. Someone cuts you off in traffic, causing you to swerve into the car next to you. No one is hurt.
  3. You are given a yard to landscape.
  4. You cherish the opportunity to spend all day...
  5. When you rent a movie, you prefer...
  6. When you sit down, you...
  7. When going out to eat, you prefer...
  8. When your friends have a controversial conversation, you
  9. When you communicate at work, you are
  10. your favorite day of the year is

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Quiz topic: Which Coffee Cup am I?