Which clone codes character are you?

I recently finished a book called The Clone Codes and I really liked it. I decided to make a quiz about it and in this quiz you can find out who you are from this action packed book.

Are you a Clone Code fan? I know I am. In this quiz you can find out if you are the headstrong Leanna, the edgy and Houston, strong LI Rizen or cunning Joe Spiller.

Created by: Ginny forever2
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are given a list of clones to track down. You...
  2. you are a member of...
  3. if you were in clone codes what do you think you would be doing
  4. Who do you like best?
  5. you would prefer to be a...
  6. just pick (it will not effect your score)
  7. again
  8. last time
  9. ???????????????????????
  10. Who do you think you will be?

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Quiz topic: Which clone codes character am I?