Which character are you from Laying Within the Heart?

This is a quiz to see which character you are from the story, Laying Within the Heart. It'll be cool to see what you get, so answer truthfully and you will get your answer!

Created by: Isella Howler of My Chenille Furies
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you smart?
  2. Cats or Dogs?
  3. Long Hair or short hair?
  4. 6 more after this. Roleplay time!
  5. You are in a secret society.
  6. You are walking through the forest. Alone.
  7. Your assignment is to find Thimbleweed berries. But alas! There stands the only bush left in the forest, and before it stands thy enemies...
  8. Before you could comply with what you had decided, the enemies have fallen. Standing on their unconcious dead body is Regoth... Your rival...
  9. You gather the berries, then head off back to base. Before you enter, though, you trip! Regoth takes the berries and runs into the base. And when you enter, he's feeding your boss lies and making you out to be a weak wimp who ran and hid and didn't even grab the berries afterwards.
  10. No matter what you say or do, the boss doesn't believe you. You go without dinner and are forced to stay in your dorm. In the morning Regoth is promoted to General.
  11. End of Roleplay.
  12. Last question. Are you strong?

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Quiz topic: Which character am I from Laying Within the Heart?