Which Buccaneer of Nemaris character are you?

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Of the many characters from The Buccaneer of Nemaris, some have aspirations of grandeur while others just want to be left alone. Which one are you most like?

Epoth is a selfish demon who cares about treasure and himself. Ketze is a warrior who believes in destiny, but doesn't know why. Chandra has power and values the world, but does not always act in other's interest. Thomas values his family and the world around him. Acadia adores anything new and wants to learn about everything. Garand is a power hungry soul with great ambition. How about you?

Created by: Justin Delzer

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. In battle, are you...
  2. Your ship and crew have just gotten marooned on an island. Your first task is to:
  3. In your travels, you found a map. What does this mean to you?
  4. The most important thing to me is:
  5. If you knew a genie and could wish for your perfect place for a home, it would be:
  6. You can choose any weapon to defend yourself. Do you choose:
  7. Consider for a moment a scent that is pleasing to you. Is it similar to:
  8. Remember that island you landed at? What was your original answer?
  9. While on your travels, you found a mysterious object that might belong to a wizard. Do you:
  10. Of the six following natural elements, I consider my strength to lie within:
  11. If my friends are in danger, I...
  12. I consider the following the greatest treasure in the land:
  13. A genie is asking you if you would love to travel in a certain way. Your answer would be:
  14. You have a choice of character classes. Your choice would be:
  15. My favorite season is:

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Quiz topic: Which Buccaneer of Nemaris character am I?