Which BF will u choose?!? (part 1)

U have come back from summer break and u were so hammered the whole time u forgot what happened. But when u get to school 4 guys come up to u and say they missed u or they love u. What r u going to do?

Will u choose Kevin blonde hair blue eyes, sweet. Stevie brown hair hazal eyes, a player but really nice. Brandon blonde medium-long hair green eyes, shy and sensitive. Or Michael, medium-long brown hair, emo but really nice and has a sweet side.

Created by: Jenny
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok hello _____, you have 4 BF and you have to choose ONE of them, there's kevin, stevie, brandon, and michael. What are you thinking?
  2. "Hey ___ what up" says Kevin. He kisses you. "How was ur summer i missed you" whats ur respose?
  3. U walk away and then u see brandon walk up to u. u look around to make sure nobody is watching and he hugs u.
  4. he hugs u for what seems like an hour and whispers in ur ear "I know ur secret" you freak out what do u say
  5. He ignores your answer and says i know about your sister. I'm very sorry she died i know you loved her!
  6. He finally leaves u alone and walks away. but then michael comes up to you and says "i loved our time during the summer."
  7. He completely ignores ur answer kisses u and walks away. Just when u think it's all over Stevie comes up to u. What r u thinking?
  8. He says "what's up baby i missed u" "ur Looking Fine" what r u thinking"
  9. He walks up to u and grabs ur butt u don't seem to mind but then he runs away what r u thinking
  10. U finally get to ur next class but holly s---......
  11. Who will u choose?

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