Which Banned AF Member Are You?

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This is my first quiz. I've never made a quiz before. I hope you enjoy it. I got inspired by Losty's quiz Which Biblical Character Are You? I apologize if it isn't any good.

The quiz is only has a few options. I'm not very imaginative and couldn't come up with much! I still hope you enjoy it though. I've never done this before.

Created by: Hammy
  1. Why did you join AF?
  2. Why did you get banned?
  3. What do you look like?
  4. How do you spend your day?
  5. Have you ever made any sockpuppet accounts?
  6. Are you vain?
  7. What do you think of theism?
  8. What are your motives in a debate?
  9. Are you lazy?
  10. What sort of friends do you hang around with?

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Quiz topic: Which Banned AF Member am I?

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