which avenged sevenfold member are you?

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Do you really like avenged sevenfold? Do you want to know who your secret alter famous ego is? Well take this quiz and find out.

You can find out which one of 5 members of avenged sevenfold you are.

Created by: liam
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you outgoing?
  2. Which do you prefer.
  3. Are you the most popular out of your friends?
  4. Are you in a band?
  5. If you could buy anything what would you buy?
  6. If you could feature a different band in a song who would it be?
  7. Who would you kill?
  8. Is violence your kind of thing?
  9. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  10. Choose a weapon

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Quiz topic: Which avenged sevenfold member am I?