Which Arthur character are you?

This quiz will tell you which Arthur character you are most similar to! Simply pick your answers truthfully and you'll see which one character you get!!

(All credits to characters go to Arthur's creator Marc Brown as well as the TV channel PBS Kids.Thank you for participating and we hope you enjoy it!!

Created by: ant888nsmb2
  1. Out of these jobs, which one would you most likely have?
  2. Which word best describes you?
  3. What is your favorite subject?
  4. Out of the following items, which one would you like the most?
  5. Which of these activities sounds the most exciting?
  6. How social are you?
  7. Which activity would you like to do it your free time?
  8. You have a lot of homework, and it's due in 2 days. What do you do?
  9. Favorite Arthur character?
  10. Favorite TV show genre?

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Quiz topic: Which Arthur character am I?
