which aot boy would date you

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well i think that we should know if the man we simp for would date us or not which im going to make one for my hero acedamia and demon slayer maybe some others have a great day love yall all this was fun to make hope you like it!

its okay to simp i know people can be judgemental have, its nun of there buiness do you girl whoever has a problem can kiss my ass also at least we dont let people play with us we know our worth and are mostly antisoical

Created by: Sierra_giselle
  1. Levi:what do you do in your free time
  2. Connie:whats your fav food Sasha:he means favorite food
  3. Jean: who is the hottest
  4. Levi:why did you join servery corps
  5. Mikasa: who would you hang out with
  6. do you like this quiz
  7. Jean:who do you simp for
  8. Hange: do you like studying
  9. who do you want
  10. Levi: how would you describe yourself
  11. Levi: which one of these songs do you listen to
  12. Armin :favorite color
  13. Hange: who is your favorite
  14. Hange: who is your favorite 2x
  15. Levi: whats your type
  16. Levi: what do you do in our free time part two
  17. how are you today

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