Which animal are you?

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There are many kinds of animals and creature around the world! You can belive that you are a animal. Some are fast and some are strong and some can eat plants and some can eat meat.

They can be different from each other. Animals can have claws and some can't. Every animal hunts their food or pray to eat. Some don't need to hunt because they can eat plants.

Created by: Zayuri
  1. If you were a animal and lived in a forest and you are trying to get food and you see your enemy. And all of a sudden it is trying to attack you what would you do?
  2. You are listening to a lovely waterfall what would you do?
  3. You are hungry and you see a bunny for dinner what would you do?
  4. It is raining and you see a cave,what would you do?
  5. if you were a animal what landscape would you choose?
  6. These is just random questions.What is your favoite color?
  7. What is your favoite animal?
  8. What kind of pet would you have?
  9. What type of dog would you have?
  10. What type would you like or be?
  11. What type of wings would you have?
  12. What tail would you have?

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Quiz topic: Which animal am I?
