Which Acchi Kocchi character are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which Acchi Kocchi character are you?

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  • Your Result: Hime Haruno

    You're the type that always sees the positive matter of events.You're kind but you can't help others much because you're super clumsy.You LOVE cute things,such as plushies ,mascot dresses,etc. You are the warm point of the group and always want to keep things peaceful.You're also an air head and a day dreamer.

    LOL.Lov e Acchi Kocchi!So cute!!!!!Kya....!!! !!

  • Your Result: Hime Haruno

    You're the type that always sees the positive matter of events.You're kind but you can't help others much because you're super clumsy.You LOVE cute things,such as plushies ,mascot dresses,etc. You are the warm point of the group and always want to keep things peaceful.You're also an air head and a day dreamer.

    LOL.Lov e Acchi Kocchi!So cute!!!!!Kya....!!! !!


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