Which 8.1 student are you?

Take this quiz to see which 8.1 student you are! Are you sporty, popular, rebellious, shy, nerdy? Just know that this quiz is a joke and it’s not to hurt anyone.......

Have fun taking this quiz and make sure to be 100% honest when taking it. Who ever you are don’t take it that seriously. Have fun agin, I’m forced to type 159 or more words on the paragraph. Don’t use gotoquiz for anything ever again

Created by: Annie
  1. If there was a few students in your class was arguing about something, what would you do?
  2. The school is selling bubble milk tea and you are at the back of the line, what do you do?
  3. It is Monday. There is a homework due on Friday. When do you do the homework?
  4. A teacher asks the class a question, you:
  5. It’s a Saturday morning, what are you doing?
  6. Are you funny in class?
  7. What do you usually get in trouble for?
  8. Who are your friends at school?
  9. A teacher asks for volunteers in class, you:
  10. Do you like TikTok?
  11. Do you get angry easily?
  12. There is a zoom meeting at 8am, when do you join?
  13. You are in a zoom meeting
  14. Have you ever talked back to a teacher?
  15. How often do you cry at school?
  16. How often do you read?
  17. What do you usually wear to school?
  18. You are playing Kahoot in class, what is your nickname?
  19. Are you an organized person?

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Quiz topic: Which 8.1 student am I?
