Whats Your Inner Power? | Comments

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  • Communication with the dead,I know it sounds crazy but I can see sports and smell it to it's like a musky aurora and usually like a light shadowy figure of someone. Cool quiz anyways mate though.

  • I see DEAD people.

  • I have only seen the dead once and i was scared so i hid lol but i have seen the future 2 times it was epic! Well the 1st one was horrid. it told me that my best friend was going to ask me out in 2 days... 2 days later she did... I said no of course! well i didnt.. i may not be a les but i couldnt say no to my bff even know i dont even love her X_X

  • @DaughterofApollo I feel trapped inside too! I NEED oopen space. So I guess you're not alome there. :)

  • I experience them all actually. Sometimes, i bury my head in my arm and talk my spirit guy,Leom. And when I touched the wall of my school I saw a little boy coughing and going to class and in the next flash he was dead and someone at my school just had a seizure. I can also feel evil or good thoughts or when people are sad angry or happy even when they don't show any expression...Wonder when that will finally come in handy. I was born at 26 weeks and survived. It's fun being messed up and different sometimes! (other times it's a pain in the but).

  • I can see the future O.o... Is it weird that these have been happening to me?

    @DaughterOfA pollo: Lmao XD Is it just me or do you always leave such fasinating stories when you comment? XD

  • Your Result: You Can Communicate with the dead!

    In psychic terms, this is known as being a medium. This does not necessarily mean you can see spirits. You might only be able to hear or feel there presence. This might seem cool but can actually be scary so be careful. Enjoy seeing all your family members once more!

    i actully asked a spirit how they died hen a knife flew at me o_O

  • i can c the future

  • Cool! And yes, i know what you mean!

  • I actually can see the future in my dreams, it started happening last year. One time, one of my dreams was about my best friend and me rung through the woods. (Oh, you should probably know that we're in cross country). And then we took this path off the trail and it looped back around the normal path. And then we got chased by some guys on bikes. I then woke up. That day after school and when we were at cross country practice, me and my friend were running on the path and saw a side trail. We took it and it looped back around to the normal path. (It's a bike path btw). And then we saw some guys on bikes. So, we freaked out and ran.

    And, I wanna know if this sounds crazy: 2 days ago, my summer gym class- (there's like 100 of us)- were hiking andwhen we took a certain path, I felt drawn to go towards the one we didn't pick, or just one of the side ones. And also, I hate being inside, it makes me feel like I'm trapped. Even as I'm typing this, I'm in my backyard on my hammock. Just being outside makes me feel right and not trapped. Am I the only one that feels like this? And I've thought about running away, but I know I can't. My family and friends would be devastated. But that's not really the main reason. The main reason is my dogs. I can't leave them. And when I'm with them, it also makes me feel like I'm not trapped. Does this make any sense?

  • Thanks Jinx_TheSleuth! I will!

  • I actually can see the future, it's pretty cool.

  • I can see the Future! Try out my quiz "Case 1: The Boy on the Ledge". It can be found on my page: Jinx_TheSleuth

    Tha nks :D


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