What you know about gravity falls

Hello and welcome to What you know about gravity falls.This quiz will help you know what you can remember what happen in gravity falls episodes from season 2 Only

I will be doing the season 1 later but for now lets start the quizThis dosnt count against you. you need to relax when you get your score and be best!

Created by: Dholliday2000 of Gravity falls Quiz For Fans
(your link here more info)
  1. what is the name of the kid who is always serious about solving the mystery of gravity falls and saving the world?
  2. What is the nam of the triangle demon?
  3. What is the only place that stan is not banned as mentioned from "The tale of two stans"
  4. Who is stanfords friend but betrayed him
  5. Do Stanford and Stanley have a niece and a nephew
  6. What is a place called when bill take over gravity falls?
  7. Where do bill cipher came from
  8. What happens to bill Cipher at the end
  9. Is gravity falls saved?
  10. Where is bill cipher statue

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