What Would YOUR Pirate Job Be?

Arr! May ye be a mighty sailor of glory or a ship-scrubbing scallywag? Take a step into de pira'e world and see what ye pira'e's job is afte' a few ques'ions from sea-lovin' naviga'or Wave.

An` to go further, ye will be experiencin' several surprises an' questions no one's ever asked ye! Prepare for de ultima'e! Because dat pira'e inside ain' neve' gonna leave!

Created by: Pirate
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. 'ello! Would ye pleas scrub de deck?
  2. Methinks ye be foolin' with de tweasha map. Is dis t'ue?
  3. What do ye call yerself?
  4. In yer free time, are ye workin' or are ye playin'?
  5. What is ye dream home?
  6. Ye lost ye pira'e's accent!
  7. Remin'in' me...Ye gets to go to the marke'place todays to sell some o' dat gold. Can I buy some o' it when ye gets ter?
  8. Ye are cruel!
  9. Do ye like to swim?
  10. Explain yerself!
  11. Ye are done!

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Quiz topic: What Would my Pirate Job Be?