What WoF Dragon are You?

As there can only be 10 results, it's only dragons with their own book in the first 2 arcs. However, I may be making another quiz with different characters!

Remember this quiz is purely for fun and not all results will be accurate. You are always welcome to take this quiz again! Now, why are you still reading? Go take it!

Created by: WoF x Warriors
  1. The left brain is logic and plans. The right brain is art and creativity. Which one do you use most?
  2. What's your gender?
  3. Last question! What are your grades like?
  4. Just kidding. Not last question. Anyways, what do you want to be MOST out of these (or what sounds best)?
  5. What's your favorite color?
  6. Which tribe is your favorite?
  7. Who do you WANT to be?
  8. Which of these special things from WoF would you want to have/be?
  9. Did you enjoy this test?
  10. Thank you for taking it!

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Quiz topic: What WoF Dragon am I?
