what winnie the pooh character are you

are you the smart curageos happy foody scared or anything else (crickets chirping) well come here take my quiz to find out if your owl rabbit pooh tigger piglet or the most favorite of all eeyore

u may be stupid i may be stupid but were not iddiots we can take this quiz without havin trouble with theese words on here if so you accually may be a idiotic spidious geek/hobo

Created by: heaven
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you the wierd type or friendly?
  2. are you bouncy when you get out of bed or super clumsy
  3. what is your fav. food
  4. if you were tigger would you sit in bed or run around
  5. what name would you prefer
  6. is your freind the mean one,scared,or supercrazy
  7. love what does it mean to you
  8. would you rather be called.......
  9. what color suits you best
  10. what character do you like best

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Quiz topic: What winnie the pooh character am I