What will your perfect family be like?

There are many people that are gonna get an answer they don't want, or the answer they do want. So I hope you all just have fun with this quiz, so have fun!!

So, do YOU know exactly what your future is going to be like? Of coarse not, but it would be really fun to take this quiz and get a funny answer. So please just have fun!

Created by: Sarah
  1. How many kids do you want?
  2. What pet(s) do you prefer?
  3. What's your favorite color?
  4. How rich are you?
  5. What's your dream job?
  6. How do your parents run their household?
  7. What do people classify you as?
  8. What type of house are you living in now?
  9. What does your room look like?
  10. What did you play with when you were a kid?

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Quiz topic: What will Ir perfect family be like?